CO Monitor for pregnant women in UAE: The piCObaby™ Smokerlyzer®: A specialized breath carbon monoxide monitor for pregnant women in smoking cessation programs. The device utilizes a familiar traffic light system to motivate expectant mothers to quit smoking and provides both maternal and fetal CO readings in ppm and %FCOHb. It offers a unique perspective on the internal impact of smoking on both the mother and the baby, helping them understand the importance of quitting for their health and well-being during pregnancy.

piCObaby Smokerlyzer

The piCObaby Smokerlyzer: A crucial tool for pregnant smokers, providing a visual insight into the impact of smoking on both the mother and the baby. With its traffic light results system, it offers motivation for expectant mothers to quit smoking, ensuring a healthier start for their child.

Category : Pulmonology Subcategory : FeNO & CO Monitor Manufacturer :Bedfont Scientific Ltd - UK
Medprix, one of the best and high-quality medical equipment suppliers in UAE, is also an authorized distributor of Bedfont breath analyzers, including feno machines, feno monitors, exhaled nitric oxide monitors, and feno testing equipment in the UAE. Our Bedfont NObreath is a cost-effective feno monitor ideal for smoke cessation and smoke checking. As a smokerlyzer monitor, it accurately measures breath nitric oxide and carbon monoxide levels, aiding in comprehensive respiratory health assessment - Medprix offers the best quality and price medical equipment supplies in Dubai, UAE

Breath CO monitoring for pregnant women to help them stop smoking.

The piCObaby™ Smokerlyzer® is a breath carbon monoxide monitor, specifically designed for use with pregnant smokers. Intended for multi-patient use by healthcare professionals in smoking cessation programmes and research, the familiar traffic light system provides visual motivation to the mum-to-be to quit smoking whilst also providing the feotal reading both in ppm and %FCOHb.


Why piCObaby™?

The piCObaby™ offers an unprecedented view of the internal effects of smoking by using the traffic light results system for both the mum-to-be and the baby.


Why is it important?

The piCObaby™ CO monitor is a valuable tool for pregnant smokers to visualise the effects that smoking is having on them and their child.

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